How to Join the Central Pennsylvania Pastel Society
Thank you for your interest in joining the Central Pennsylvania Pastel Society. Your membership entitles you to the following benefits:
Opportunity to exhibit work in CPPS exhibitions
Invitation to attend four general meetings
Access to our online newsletter
Invitation to attend workshops and other CPPS educational events
We hold four regularly scheduled meetings per year. Each meeting has the same format with a business meeting followed by a program. The meetings are on the second Sunday of the months of February, May, August, and November at 1:30 p.m. At the present time the meetings are being held at the Best Western Plus, Premiere Drive, State College, PA. In the months when no meeting is scheduled, the group gathers for informal critique sessions, paint outs and other art-related activities.
To register, print out this form and mail it with a check to:
Box 246
Lemont, PA 16851