Title: "Pastel Passions" Dates: September 27, 28, and 29 of 2019 Delivery: Friday, September 27. Time to be announced Location: The Art Alliance of Central PA, Pike Street, Lemont, PA Reception: Friday, September 27, 6pm to 9pm
Registration Due: Saturday, September 7
Optional Pre-Delivery: Contact the artists below if you need a special drop off time
Susan Nicholas Gephart: 351 East Bishop Street, Bellefonte, PA 16823, Cell: 814-360-2116, Email: SNicholasArt@gmail.com
Peg Klinger: 103 Anthony Drive, Pennsylvania Furnace, 16865. Landline: 814-238-2284 Cell: 814-571-9764
Candace Smith: artsnips@yahoo.com
This is an all member non-juried show. All information regarding the show will be published again in the August and September newsletters, so be sure to read and save those issues.
Contact the show coordinator, Susan Nicholas Gephart with questions: Cell: 814-360-2116,
Email: SNicholasArt@gmail.com