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Announcing the CPPS Karen Margulis Online Workshop for 2022


March 5-12, 2022 Workshop Description:

The focus of this workshop is ‘How to Paint with More Expression’. I will share tips and techniques to

help you loosen up and add some spice to your paintings! The workshop will be presented in the form of 4

videos consisting of three lecture and demo sessions and a final feedback video that will include feedback on

all assignment paintings.

The workshop is divided into three sessions, a morning, afternoon, and bonus session. Each session includes a

lesson, a complete demo and an assignment. You can complete all three sessions in one day but you do have

some flexibility since the videos are pre-recorded. The final feedback video will be recorded and shared a

week from the workshop start date.

Register by January 1, 2022 to secure your spot in the online workshop. After this date the workshop will be nationally advertised.

After registering, please email Susan Nicholas Gephart, Workshop Coordinator, at and Leslie Dyer, Treasurer, at, to let them know you are registering for the workshop and have sent in your check.

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