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Marianne Fyda's Artwork Chosen for Ekphrastic Poetry Contest

"Reading poems based on your artwork is an interesting, sometimes magical, experience."

Marianne says, "Last year I was fortunate enough to have two of my paintings (on exhibit at BAM), selected by the Ekphrastic Poetry groups as the subject of their monthly poetry competition. The event is a follow up to that. When I found out about the poems, I was thrilled and curious. This has been a great experience.. If weather permits, I will attend this event."

BAM is hosting a poetry reading on Wednesday, February 21st at 6:00. This reading will not only introduce our new poet in residence but will also allow for the 2023 ekphrastic poetry contest winners the opportunity to read their poems. Marianne's artworks titled "Red" and "Hopper at Hockman's" were chosen as the inspiration pieces for the July and August 2023 contests. Four poets will be reading their winning poems from those months. This is a wonderful opportunity for both poet and artist to engage in dialogue and interact with participants at the reading.


Box 246

Lemont, PA 16851

All materials on this website © Copyright 2008-2024 by the Central Pennsylvania Pastel Society.

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