Online Entry Opens: June 15th
Online Entry Deadline: August 15th
Notice of Acceptance: August 21st
Online Show Opens: September 1st
Judge of Selections, Kathleen Newman has earned signature status in the Pastel Society of America, American Society of Marine Artists and American Transparent Watercolor Society and is a member of the historic Palette & Chisel Academy of Fine Arts, Chicago Pastel Painters, Coast Guard Artists, American Impressionist Society and Oil Painters of America.
See the complete Pure Color 2023 Prospectus for full entry and eligibility definitions. You must be 18 to enter. All work must be entered online at www.onlinejuriedshows.com. Pay online via credit card or PayPal.
Members: $30 for up to 3 images, $10 for each additional image. A total of 6 entries allowed per artist.
Non-Members: $50 for up to 3 images, $10 for each additional image. A total of 6 entries allowed per artist.
1ST $800
2ND $500
3RD $400
4TH $300
Herb Slapo Memorial $200
4 Honorable Mentions $100
7 Merit Awards $50